
Standing Committee reaches out to clergy

April 13, 2021

Dear friends in Christ,

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you to everyone who has contacted us over the last few weeks and months with questions or suggestions. We are always glad to hear from you, so please do not hesitate to email

We will be in touch again soon about details of our transition time as a diocese. For now, we wanted to let you know that we are reaching out to all active clergy over the course of Eastertide. We’ve been planning this for some time.

The Standing Committee will divide the list of active priests and deacons, and one of us will contact each person during the Easter season. We are mindful that this time of pandemic has been stressful, and of course our diocese is experiencing a time of uncertainty because our transition time leading eventually to the search, election, and ordination of our next bishop. Our primary purpose is to check in to hear how clergy are doing, but we will be glad to answer questions or hear suggestions, too.

This outreach effort will be done along side other connections. We will soon be announcing the dates for online listening sessions that will be offered for everyone in our diocese. There will be some sessions for specific groups in the diocese, but others will be open to all.

A few people have contacted us to check in rumors they have heard. It’s understanding in times of uncertainty that confusion can ensue, whether through lack of clear communication or through creative imaginings. Please don’t hesitate to ask us if you hear something. We will try to communicate regularly through diocesan channels, but we’re always glad to answer questions at any time.

We continue to be grateful for all the work that the diocesan staff has done in a difficult time. And we are, of course, grateful to Bishop Price for his leadership during these first few months of transition.

In this Easter season, we invite everyone in our diocese to look forward by God’s grace to a time of flourishing and renewal in the church.

O God, you have prepared for those who love you such good things as surpass our understanding: Pour into our hearts such love towards you, that we, loving you in all things and above all things, may obtain your promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

We are, yours faithfully,

The Standing Committee
Mr. Larry Hayes, president
The Rev. Philip DeVaul, vice-president
Dr. James Allsop
The Rev. Dr. Ellen Cook
Mr. Barry Feist
The Rev. Canon Scott Gunn